I’ve been obsessed with Mod Fashion since about Summer of 1983 after we all saw the Who’s Film “Quadrophenia” at a Theater on Commercial Drive. It was a double bill featuring “The Kids Are Alright” as well.
We sat on the balcony, smoking and throwing popcorn. We also had dog-eared copies of Richard Barne’s Book “Mods!” to refer to for how to look the part.
I didn’t have a scooter yet, but it wouldn’t be long until that happened.
As far as our clothing went, we tried to emulate what we saw in the film, and did our best at a few “secret” used and old stock shops in town, like Budget Clothes in New Westminster, or Berlin and Cabbages and Kinks in Gastown. I came late to the party so the good parkas, suits, and shirts were picked over and gone. I had to be happy with a Canadian Army Parka with a plasticky coating, not a Genuine American M51 parka.
My first suit was really just an old tuxedo that my mom narrowed the lapels on, and a pair of black jeans she narrowed the legs of. Fred Perry tops were impossible to find, I would get them whenever I went to London, England.
I guess the clothing stuck with me… Now it’s way easier to get any specific clothing desired. Nowadays, I get suits and shirts made by a visiting tailor from Thailand. Here’s my latest one – Italian Cashmere Summer Wool with a nice red shirt…
How times have changed….