I had the Privilege and Honour of working closely with David Bowie on a photoshoot in 2000 for the film “Mr. Rice’s Secret. He was classy, professional, and extremely interesting. Full of passion for the project. What an amazing artist. Here is David on my Schwinn bike that I used as a prop, and the finished photoshopped “antique” picture. Truly an experience I am thankful for. Another set of images show Bowie dressed as a WW2 bomber pilot, with a beautiful Lancaster behind him. At first when I was asked to do the project, they just wanted the photographer to get shots of his head, so I could comp it in to the body of the people in the old photos they had found. I said “no way” and then promptly requested full hair styling, and full costumes for him, for each different picture set up. I knew he would give the poses more life if he was in character, and it worked beautifully. He was like a kid in a candy store – each time a new pose was needed, he would excitedly go into the back room where the costumer was, and get changed, emerging laughing and beaming and ready for the next shots! At first I was nervous, and would carefully ask him to move his hand a few inches one way, his feet over a bit etc… He motioned me over to him after a bit of this and said “don’t be afraid to touch me, just pose me like a mannequin!” I thought that was a good ice-breaker!